Here's some writings on things that aren't Magento.
- assert_not_enqueued_with
- Using AI to fill in the blanks
- AWS Cognito, Sign in with Apple and Native Apps
- Using Airtable as a PIM for Shopify
- Cleaning up Secrets with multiple AWS CDK Stacks
- Deterministic testing with Luxon and Jest
- Using Fathom to track Shopify conversions
- Working with Buffers and Blobs in Managed Expo
- iTerm2: Showing the PHP, Ruby or Node version in your status bar
- Laravel workers not reading .env changes
- Going Serverless With Lambda
- Adding http2 support to curl on macOS
- Testing Laravel with Bitbucket Pipelines
- Adding log visibility to Amazon ECS with Papertrail
- Schedule Index Refresh in Magento Enterprise
- Magento Events Cheat Sheet (1.9)
- Magento Events Cheat Sheet (1.8)
- A Developer's Guide to using the Magento Cache
- Magento Events Cheat Sheet (1.7)
- I'm a generalist
- Magento $this
- Magento Events Cheat Sheet (1.6)
- Magento Events Cheat Sheet (1.5)
- A Company while at University
- Dissecting the Magento Cron System
- Merging Magento Installations
- Working with LeJOS on Mac OSX
- FreeAgent Integration with Geckoboard
- Article Live: Introduction to Magento Themes
- Magento Events Cheat Sheet (
- Proper Magento Class Overrides
- Magento Events Cheat Sheet
- Custom Magento Module Log
- Auto-populate Magento Checkout Fields
- Enabling Magento Maintenance Mode
- Disable Redirect to Checkout when Adding to Cart
- CSS Boolean Selectors
- Magento Events Cheat Sheet (
- Unsupported protocol from PECL client
- Magento including Javascript by System path
- Fool Proof Magento Upgrades
- Mage_Cms_Block_Widget_Interface
- Magento Events Cheat Sheet
- Building Phonegap on Ubuntu
- Magento Controllers: Redirecting to External URLs
- Magento How-to: Prime Your Cache
- Communicating Ideas with Mockups
- Magento How-to: Custom Error Page Design
- Magento ERD (Attempt) with MySQL Workbench
- Zend Server with Magento: Session Problem
- Magento How-to: Custom Admin Notifications
- Awesome C Exam Question
- Magento How-to: Improve Error Reporting
- Google Checkout Price Hikes
- Online Code Editor - Mozilla Bespin
- Magento How-to: Free Shipping over £xxx
- Simple PHP Input Validation - filter_var()
- Magento How-to: Cron jobs for Modules
- Magento How-to: Testing Magento Modules
- Projects
- Playbook
- Notes
- Magento
- Articles